La pubblicazione del manuale L’Arte italiana. Disegno storico (1924) e il progetto di una collana di monografie storico-artistiche per le scuole italiane nel carteggio tra Adolfo Venturi e la Casa Editrice Zanichelli di Bologna (1922-1931)

The publication of the manual Italian Art. Historical drawing (1924) and the project of a series of historical-artistic monographs for Italian schools in the correspondence between Adolfo Venturi and the Zanichelli Publishing House of Bologna (1922-1931)






Sources and Documents / Fonti e Documenti



  • Susanne Adina Meyer University of Macerata (Italy)
  • Roberto Sani University of Macerata (Italy)

Parole chiave:

History of Education, History of Art, Correspondence Adolfo Venturi-Zanichelli Publishing House (Bologna), School Notebooks, Italy, Fascist period (1923-1931), XX Century


The correspondence published below, and introduced by an extensive critical study, collects the correspondence between the art historian Adolfo Venturi and the Zanichelli publishing house of Bologna from 1922 to 1931. The correspondence includes a total of 48 letters essentially focused on the publication of one of the very first Art History manuals for high schools that appeared in the aftermath of the Gentile reform of 1923, the text entitled L’arte italiana. Disegno storico (1924), and on the launch of a series of historical-artistic texts connected to the aforementioned manual and intended mainly for the scholastic world and an educated public. The introduction by Susanne Adina Meyer and Roberto Sani highlights the cultural and scholastic scenario within which the lively exchange of letters between the Modena scholar and the general director of the Zanichelli publishing house in Bologna, Oliviero Franchi, takes place, and the historical – artistic addressed in the correspondence

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