Per una storia dell’educazione speciale tra Otto e Novecento. Presentazione

For a history of special education between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Presentation






Special issue Per una storia dell’educazione speciale tra Otto e Novecento



  • Anna Ascenzi University of Macerata (Italy)
  • Andrés Payà Rico University of Valencia (Spain)
  • Luigiaurelio Pomante University of Macerata (Italy)
  • Roberto Sani University of Macerata (Italy)

Parole chiave:

History of education, Special education, Connecting History, Italy, Spain, XIX-XX Centuries


This contribution aims to introduce the monographic section that will focus on the history of special education in the Mediterranean area between the 19th and the 20th centuries, with specific regard to the Spanish and Italian context. The purpose of the papers in this monographic section is to show the consolidation and the development of the historiographical research on the topic of inclusion and special education in the last 25 years and to highlight the relevant role of the recent project Connecting History of Education. International networks, scientific production and global dissemination (CHE) (Ref.: PID2019-105328GB-I00), which aims to globally map the social spaces, international networks and international scientific output on the History of Education.

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