Juan Manuel Ballesteros y Santamaría y la formación del profesorado especialista en educación especial. Una intuición inclusiva en el Siglo XIX

Juan Manuel Ballesteros y Santamaría and the training of specialist teachers in special education. An inclusive intuition in the 19th century






Special issue Per una storia dell’educazione speciale tra Otto e Novecento




  • Manuel López Torrijo University of Valencia (Spain)
  • Andrés Payà Rico University of Valencia (Spain)

Parole chiave:

Juan Manuel Ballesteros, Teacher training, Deaf education, Blind education, Special education, Spain, XIX Century


Juan Manuel Ballesteros is a national and international reference for special education in the 19th century. The article analyzes his contribution to one of the axes of educational inclusion, of which he was a forerunner: teacher training. Specifically, it presents its proposal for training the teachers of the Colegio Nacional de Sordomudos y de Ciegos de Madrid (National College of the Deaf and Mute and the Blind of Madrid), through the creation of the Academia de Profesores (Teachers’ Academy). Secondly, a national training plan for teachers in charge of general instruction, which would be taught through the Escuela Superior Normal (Higher Normal School).

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