Fixing the gaze on a Transnational and Entangled Perspective: the case of the European Schools System






  • Anna Ascenzi University of Macerata (Italy)
  • Elena Girotti University of Macerata (Italy)

Parole chiave:

European Schools, Transnational History, Entangled History, International Organisations, XX Centur


The contribution aims to look at the European School System from a transnational perspective in order to trace the interactions and connections that characterised these Schools in the 1960s and 1970s. A close reading of two speeches given by Albert Van Houtte, a member of the Board of Governors, and of a preparatory study on curriculum reform drawn up in 1971 reveals connections with international organisations such as Pax Christi and UNESCO, as well as pedagogical influences stemming from the individual member states and traceable to different experiences of active pedagogy.

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