Giuseppe Capretz. Dalla calligrafia alla letteratura. Un percorso di ricollocazione professionale all’epoca della Riforma Gentile

Giuseppe Capretz. From calligraphy to literature. A path of professional relocation at the time of the Gentile Reform






  • Francesco Ascoli Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan (Italy)

Parole chiave:

Giuseppe Capretz, Calligraphy, Literature, Gentile Reform, XX Century


This paper aims to present the significant experience of Giuseppe Capretz and his professional interest in calligraphy and literature, with particular regard of his necessary relocation after the Gentile Reform. Significant was the role of the journal he founded, «Calligrafia», which became a sort of trade union bulletin for the calligraphy teachers. Capretz and his process of adaptation to the directives of the regime seem to mark a defeat of his subject, but we discover that these also reflect the feeling of an educational action that has its own reasons, that has important content to pass on to future generations, at the cost of sacrifices and renunciations and that are independent from the nature of the taught subject, be it the modest calligraphy or the Italian literature.

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