Reperti di vite al femminile tra emancipazione e percorsi formativi: la «piccola rivoluzione culturale» di Romeyne Robert

Findings of female lives between emancipation and education: Romeyne Robert’s «little cultural revolution»






Critical Reviews / Rassegne critiche



  • Chiara Lepri University of Roma Tre (Italy)

Parole chiave:

Romeyne Ranieri di Sorbello, Maria Montessori, Alice Franchetti, Modernism, Women’s entrepreneurship


Starting from the suggestions that emerged from Claudia Pazzini’s book, Maria Montessori tra Romeyne Ranieri di Sorbello e Alice Franchetti dall’imprenditoria femminile modernista alla creazione del Metodo, published by Fefè Editore in 2021, this contribution intends to reflect on the virtuous connections of female existential paths that originated around the noblewoman Romeyne Ranieri di Sorbello. Between modernist thrusts and emancipationist impulses, major personalities such as Maria Montessori and Alice Franchetti crossed paths with those of misunderstood women within a microcosm of education and daily life interwoven with real and symbolic meanings.

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