«Ottobre ci ha traditi»: l’occupazione delle scuole romane durante il secondo dopoguerra

«October betrayed us»: the occupation of Roman schools during the Second World War






Essays and Researches / Saggi e Ricerche




  • Alessandro Montesi University of Roma Tre, Rome (Italy)

Parole chiave:

Post-war period, School policy;, Evacuees, School building, XX Century


This work aims to analyse the educational and social consequences of the Second World War, through the history of the occupation of Roman schools by the people displaced and bombed. This significant event interrupted, between the Forties and Fifties, the regular teaching for thousands of students and was resolved only through the construction of schools and social housing. It is a multifaceted theme that intertwines the history of education with social and economic aspects, the work, therefore, required a wide range of sources, necessary to reconstruct the complex period and the difficult post-war situation.

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