Literature in the first Albanian school






Essays and Researches / Saggi e Ricerche



  • Muhamed Çitaku University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” (Kosovo)

Parole chiave:

Children’s literature, Albanian school, Albanian culture, Education, XIX-XX Centuries


The history of Albanian children’s literature spans a long time. Initially, religious texts of medieval literature were used as such literature in Albanian schools, but pure children’s literature was born during the period of Albanian Romanticism. At this time, it was originally written to meet the educational needs of the first Albanian school. However, it was literature that was written by the best authors of Albanian Romanticism and, apart from its function in school, it had all the characteristics of good children’s literature. This study deals with these two sides of the first Albanian children’s literature, with its artistic level and with the educational role it played in the first Albanian school. From the analysis we have done, we have managed to establish that literature in the first Albanian school played a decisive role in the artistic, cultural and moral formation of Albanian students. Initially, this stems from the fact that the authors who compiled books for the subjects in the first Albanian school, were primarily writers and they could not be separated from literature even when they wrote books on other subjects, making the literature found in books of different subjects and its importance is irreplaceable. The results of the paper have been achieved using thematic, genre and contextual analysis.

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