La storia dell’educazione speciale in area mediterranea come traiettoria di ricerca attraverso i risultati del progetto Connecting History of Education

The History of special education in the Mediterranean area as a research path through the results of the project Connecting History of Education






Special issue Per una storia dell’educazione speciale tra Otto e Novecento



  • Luigiaurelio Pomante University of Macerata (Italy)
  • Sofia Montecchiani University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti- Pescara (Italy)

Parole chiave:

HHistory of special education, Inclusion, Connecting History of Education, Mediterranean area, XIX-XXI Centuries


This paper aims to introduce and analyze the results of the international project Connecting History of Education. International networks, scientific production and global dissemination (CHE) (Ref.: PID2019-105328GB-I00), with particular reference to the Mediterranean area and to one of its main topic: inclusion and attention to diversity. From an historical and educational perspective, this research theme has grown tremendously in the last 10-20 years, especially thanks to the work of scientific magazines. The history of special education has long been neglected in the past, but now it is a topical theme both for pedagogy and the history of education. This contribution also intends to explain the bibliometric approach of this project, in relation to the matter, and highlight some particular characteristics, for example, information about the authors, the idiom and the most examined period.

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