Information For Reviewers
Articles must undergo a double-blind peer-review process in order to be published in HECL.
Once received, the submissions are sent to two anonymous referees (one Italian and one international), selected from an International Committee of Referees on the basis of their specific expertise and research interests. Within 180 days, the referees return their evaluations to the Peer-Review Coordinator, providing one of three possible judgments:
- A (“approved”)
- B (“approved with revisions”)
- C (“not approved”)
Depending on the evaluation:
- (A) The submission will be forwarded to the editorial board for publication.
- (B) It will be returned to the author with suggestions for revision; once revised, the submission may proceed to publication.
- (C) Eejected for publication.
Peer-Review Form and Evaluation Criteria
In the peer-review form, articles are evaluated according to a number of parameters. Among the various criteria, special attention is given to the language chosen for the article. In order to facilitate wider dissemination through the indexing services of major international databases, papers written in English are given higher scores than those written in the other languages accepted by the journal (French, Spanish, German, and Italian).
Responsibilities in the Peer-Review Process
The Editor in Chief of the journal, Prof. Roberto Sani (, oversees the peer-review process.
The coordinator of peer-review activities and procedures is Prof. Luigiaurelio Pomante (, who can be contacted for any questions or clarifications.
International Committee of Referees
The names of the members of the International Committee of Referees are published at the end of each year and then cumulatively every three years.