L' educazione secondo Luigi Giussani. A proposito di un recente libro

Education according to Luigi Giussani. About a recent publication






Critical Reviews / Rassegne critiche




  • Giorgio Chiosso University of Turin (Italy)

Parole chiave:

Luigi Giussani, Education, Catholic Movement of Communion and Liberation, Pedagogical reflection, XX-XXI Centuries


This contribution aims to present the characteristic elements of Luigi Giussani’s pedagogical reflection. The recent publication of three significant works edited by Carmine Di Martino offered a particular suggestion to reconsider the idea of education defined by the founder of the Catholic Movement of Communion and Liberation. In particular, this paper focuses on the transformation of the concept of education in the Western world, and on the relaunching of Christian education. Giussani’s educational proposal aims on the one hand to contain efficiency, which today tests the training guidelines and makes traditional education obsolete and, at the same time, is a strong invitation to rediscover what is essential.

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