Cultural heritage in non-urban areas: identifying and understanding values






The Role of Cultural Heritage in the Green and Digital Transition



  • Erica Meneghin Fondazione Santagata for the Economics of Culture
  • Andrea Longhi Politecnico di Torino
  • Giovanna Segre Università degli studi di Torino


This article aims to study the values of cultural heritage acknowledged in non-urban areas when cultural heritage is considered a key factor for development. The primary outcome of the analysis is the creation of a taxonomy of six values, derived from an interdisciplinary literature review, which can be used to interpret cultural heritage-driven projects and provide a deeper understanding of the role of cultural heritage for local communities. This, in turn, can guide successful strategies for local development through several types of heritage, such as museums, archives and libraries, archaeological and historical sites, community interest places, industrial, religious and rural sites. The findings contribute to a comprehensive description of cultural heritage’s role in rural and mountain areas and offer a holistic perspective on the interaction among heritage values, new knowledge, projects, and local development.


Questo articolo si propone di studiare i valori del patrimonio culturale riconosciuti, in aree non urbane e nelle condizioni in cui il patrimonio è considerato un fattore chiave per lo sviluppo. Il risultato principale dell’analisi è la creazione di una tassonomia di sei valori, derivata da una revisione interdisciplinare della letteratura, che può essere utilizzata per interpretare progetti cultural heritage-driven e fornire una comprensione più profonda del ruolo del patrimonio culturale per le comunità locali. Questo, a sua volta, può guidare strategie di successo per lo sviluppo locale attraverso diverse categorie di patrimonio, come musei, archivi e biblioteche, siti archeologici e storici, luoghi di interesse comunitario, siti industriali, religiosi e rurali. I risultati contribuiscono a una descrizione completa del ruolo del patrimonio culturale nelle aree rurali e montane e offrono una prospettiva olistica sull’interazione tra valori del patrimonio, nuova conoscenza, progettazione e sviluppo locale.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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Biografie autore

Erica Meneghin, Fondazione Santagata for the Economics of Culture

Programme manager of Heritage Area at the Fondazione Santagata. Architect, PhD in Architectural and Landscape Heritage at the Politecnico of Turin, MA in World Natural Heritage Management at Trentino School of Management (Trento). She worked as researcher in management plans of several cultural institutions and UNESCO sites.

Andrea Longhi, Politecnico di Torino

Full Professor in History of Architecture at the Politecnico di Torino, deputy head of the Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning, where he teaches History and criticism of territorial heritage at the M.Sc. in Urban and regional planning, and History of ancient and medieval architecture at the Bachelor degree of Architecture. He also had been teaching History of Architecture at the Master degree in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage held by Suscor in Venaria. Faculty member of the PhD programme in Architectural Heritage at the Politecnico di Torino. Member of ICOMOS-ICORP and ICOMOS-PRERICO Italian Scientific Committees.


Giovanna Segre, Università degli studi di Torino

She is an Associate Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Turin, where she currently serves as Director of the Biennial Master in Economics of Environment, Culture and Territory, Director of the International Master in Cultural Property Protection in Crisis Response, Vice-president of the Interdepartmental Research Center for Urban Studies, and holder of the UNESCO Chair "Economics of culture and heritage: strategies for protection and development". Her research interests and publications focus on the economics of culture, cultural heritage, creative industries and cultural tourism. 

Come citare

Meneghin, E., Longhi, A., & Segre, G. (2023). Cultural heritage in non-urban areas: identifying and understanding values. Il Capitale Culturale. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, (28), 59–72.

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