Patti conoscitivi. Loti, Malraux, Barthes tra io e mondo
- 2024-12-19 (3)
- 2024-12-19 (2)
- 2024-12-19 (1)
© POLYTHESIS. Filologia, interpretazione e teoria della letteratura 2024
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DOI :ésumé
This article proposes an overview on three cognitive pacts set by French writers in relation to Japan. In Pierre Loti’s Madame Chrysanthème, the position of the narrator is a representation of the consequences of an irreflexive intercultural exploration. In Malraux and Barthes’ works, the more developed theoretical reflection leads to a less traumatic encounter with the Other. However, all the three literary texts show the oscillatory mechanic of knowledge, always influenced by the position of the questioning I.