L'Inferno appropriato. Due esempi di ‘rilettura’ nelle scritture concettuali di Caroline Bergvall e Fabrizio Venerandi


2024-12-19 — Updated on 2024-12-19





  • Samuele Capanna Brown University


The contribution proposes a comparative examination between VIA, a multifaced crossand intermedial operation by Caroline Bergvall, and Words from Afterlife, the final section of Fabrizio Venerandi’s Niente di personale. Both pieces delve into a ‘re-reading’ of Dante’s Inferno, a dialogue not commonly explored in the realm of so-called conceptual writing, to which both Bergvall and Venerandi have been linked, albeit in different capacities and contexts. This comparative analysis aims to investigate, within contemporary research, the aspects of continuity and divergence to post-war and late-twentieth-century experimental writings, both on a broader scale and concerning their relationship with Dante’s influential model.