Digital Storytelling as a narrative approach to identity and career construction






Section 1. Theories and methodologies



  • Pirita Juppi Turku University of Applied Sciences


Digital Storytelling (DST) is a participatory, narrative, and art-based practice that has been applied for various purposes and in various institutional contexts. In higher education institutions, it has many uses. Besides building various skills, DST requires and develops reflexivity, and through self-reflection increases students’ self-awareness and supports their identity work. This chapter explores how DST can be used for career construction and for developing students’ professional identity. The practice is discussed within the broader framework of narrative theory and practice, on one hand, and in the framework of career guidance and counselling on the other. The chapter suggests that in the era of increasingly fragmented and insecure work and careers, new practices are needed to support young adults as they study, graduate, and enter and navigate their working life and various occupational transitions. The need is high especially among the arts and culture students and in other fields in which so called portfolio careers are becoming common. Creating and sharing multimodal career stories in a facilitated group-based process, using the method of DST, can provide a useful tool for career counselling in educational institutions.

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Biografia autore

Pirita Juppi, Turku University of Applied Sciences

Dr. Pirita Juppi works as a principal lecturer and programme leader of Master of Culture and Arts programmes in Turku University of Applied Sciences’ Arts Academy.

Come citare

Juppi, P. (2023). Digital Storytelling as a narrative approach to identity and career construction. Il Capitale Culturale. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, (14), 49–68.