Organising a Digital Storytelling workshop in a HEI setting
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Organising a Digital Storytelling (DST) workshop in a heigher education institution (HEI) setting does not require specialised digital media labs or professional video editing software, but it does need careful planning and experienced workshop facilitators. Planning should start with defining the purpose of the workshop and, therefore, with the topic of the digital stories to be created. The workshop structure and schedule should be carefully planned, keeping in mind the learning facilities needed at various steps of the process. A DST workshop can be organised either on campus or as an online workshop, using students’ own laptops or mobile devices to create digital stories. In either case, it is important to give students clear instructions, to provide sufficient support for creating the stories, and to ensure interaction between the group members at critical points of the process, namely when working on story drafts and when the digital stories are completed and ready to be shared with the group.
Riferimenti bibliografici
Juppi P. (2023), Digital Storytelling as a narrative approach to identity and career construction, Supplementi, n. 14, pp. 49-68.
Lambert J. with Hessler B. (2018), Digital Storytelling. Capturing Lives, Creating Community, New York: Routledge.
Tanskanen I. (2023a), Professional autobiographical process including identity work in creative writing practices, «Il capitale culturale. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage», Supplementi, n. 14, pp. 33-48.
Tanskanen I. (2023b), Creative writing practices and autobiographical process enabling professional identity work, «Il capitale culturale. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage», Supplementi, n. 14, pp. 121-138.