For a review of Carlo Rizzarda's production and mercantile activities: the role of photography.
Copyright (c) 2024 Valentina Pellegrinon
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The essay intends to focus on the role of photography in the commercial activity of Carlo Rizzarda from Feltre (1887-1931), owner of an important wrought iron firm in Milan.
The five previously unpublished albums of photographs (more than 1300 pieces) documenting the artist's works are a precious tool not only for reconstructing his activity, which was destined to great success in Italy and abroad and appreciated by critics such as Ugo Ojetti, but also for identifying market strategies and ways of presenting and promoting the production of an artistic workshop that combined design knowledge and craftsmanship with modern production procedures of the decorative arts.
Barbieri V. (2017), I fotografi Mario Castagneri, Mario Crimella e Dino Zani nella Milano degli anni Venti, tesi di laurea in Storia della Fotografia, Università degli Studi di Milano, anno accademico 2016 ¬ – ¬ 2017.
Bossaglia R. (1987), Rizzarda e le grandi esposizioni, in Carlo Rizzarda (1883 - 1931) e l’arte del ferro battuto in Italia, a cura di A. P. Zugni – Tauro, Vicenza: Stocchiero Grafica, pp. 61-63.
Catalogo della Seconda Mostra Internazionale delle Arti Decorative (1925), catalogo della mostra (Monza, Villa Reale, maggio – ottobre 1925), Milano: Alpes.
Lanza F. (2001), Carlo Rizzarda, maestro artigiano. Il gusto nell’arte del ferro battuto. 1900-1930, Feltre: Graphic Group.
Rizzarda R. (1967), Carlo Rizzarda fabbro maestro, Feltre: Castaldi.
Terraroli V. (1998), Le arti decorative in Lombardia nell’età moderna 1780 - 1940, Milano: Skira.