Evaluating the DICO project: results and future prospects






Section 3. Project evaluation and further resources




  • Concetta Ferrara University of Macerata
  • Mara Cerquetti


This chapter discusses the results of the evaluation activities carried out within the DICO project (Digital Career Stories. Opening new career paths for arts and culture students) under the Erasmus+ Programme. After analysing the role of measurement in management and the specific contribution of assessment practices in higher education, the paper presents the activities undertaken by the partner institutions during the project (2021-2022). The DICO project focused on the role of digital and self-reflection learning methodologies in boosting resilience and belief in the future among higher education students in cultural and creative fields. In addition to arts-based active learning methodologies as a tool for promoting motivation and skills, the project evaluation also examined assessment as a form of learning. Quantitative and qualitative research methods were adopted to investigate lecturers’ and students’ expectations, prior experience, satisfaction, and the impact of the project. Moreover, a specific qualitative focus was applied with students enrolled in a master’s degree course in Cultural Heritage Management (University of Macerata). The results provide valuable insights into teaching and learning methodologies and suggestions for higher education institutions (HEIs) in cultural and creative fields.


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Author Biography

Concetta Ferrara, University of Macerata

Research fellow, Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism

How to Cite

Ferrara, C., & Cerquetti, M. (2023). Evaluating the DICO project: results and future prospects. Il Capitale Culturale. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, (14), 213–246. https://doi.org/10.13138/2039-2362/3152

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