La sensualità dell’inorganico. Traiettorie intorno a Lucca nella letteratura tedesca di primo Ottocento



2024-05-11 — Aggiornato il 2024-05-11




  • Alessandro Fambrini Università degli Studi di Pisa


In some German works from the early Romanticism and the post-Romantic period, the
city of Lucca offers new spaces to the imagination: such are the novella Das Marmorbild
by Joseph von Eichendorff, the “Reisebilder” of Die Stadt Lukka by Heinrich Heine and
the poem Lucca by Ludwig Tieck. In each of these works the town of Lucca represents an
Italy between the ideal and the real, with its architectural Middle Age and its churches that
refer to a fantastic world yet still within reach. This paper aims to give an account of how
the approach of these three writers has transfigured the real Lucca and made it as a place
of wonders.