Professional autobiographical process including identity work in creative writing practices


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Section 1. Theories and methodologies




Reflexive and reflective skills are needed in workplaces today and in the future, in contexts that we are not able foresee. The transformative learning theory is focusing on self-reflection and previous experiences of adult students. The practices based on transformative learning theory strive to elaborate on new and existing knowledge and skills, and revision of meaning schemes and perspectives. The target of learning is a change in the meanings given and in the frames of reference, signifying change in the identity of the learner. In making such a big change, critical reflection and critical self-reflection are essential, and alongside rational, cognitive work, imagination, intuition, and emotion also have important roles to play. The transformative learning process includes ten phases, which are also present in MA students’ studies at the Arts Academy of the Turku University of Applied Sciences. One course, Professional Autobiographical Process is at the core of the process, and other courses are integrated with it. Art-based and creative methods combine different perspectives, also emotions, imagination and intuition, and provide a platform for identity work. Creative Life Writing, Free Writing, Focused Journaling, Digital Storytelling, and other art-based practices are applied and have proved to be fruitful in the professional autobiographical process. The role of the tutor is to facilitate and coach, as transformative learning and professional identity work are highly personal processes. The practices bring out the growth and development, and the material produced documents the progress and makes achievements tangible. This serves the student as well as the tutor.

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Biografia autore

Ilona Kirsi Tanskanen, Turku University of Applied Sciences' Arts Academy

senior lecturer, PhD

Come citare

Tanskanen, I. K. (2023). Professional autobiographical process including identity work in creative writing practices. Il Capitale Culturale. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, (14), 33–48.