Dai Prà, Elena, Nicola Gabellieri, and Nicola Scanu. “Dalla Mappa Al Geodatabase: Un Modello Di Raccolta, Digitalizzazione E Analisi Sincronica E Diacronica in Ambiente GIS Del Patrimonio Toponomastico Del Territorio Trentino Da Fonti Cartografiche Storiche (XIX-XXI Secolo) From the Map to the Geodatabase: A Model for the Collection, Digitisation and Synchronic and Diachronic Analysis of the Toponymic Heritage of Trentino through Historical Maps (XIX-XXI c.)”. Il Capitale culturale. Studies on the value of cultural heritage, no. 25 (June 27, 2022): 603–633. Accessed May 19, 2024. https://rivisteopen.unimc.it/index.php/cap-cult/article/view/2815.